02. Sünnet – The Mechanics of The System (Sunnah) – Ahmed Hulusi


“02. Sünnet – The Mechanics of The System (Sunnah) – Ahmed Hulusi”

01:00 Çevrenizdekilerin inançlarını taklit etmek size ne getirebilir?

02:00 “İman bilgisi İMAN değildir”. Niçin?

03:00 Nereye kadar akıl ile gidilir , nereden sonra İMAN başlar?

05:00 “DİN” Allah`ın yaratmış olduğu sistem ve düzenin adıdır ki bu düzene Kuran “SÜNETULLAH” adını vermiştir.

07:00 Din çok kolay bir konudur. Ne yaparsak onun sonuçlarını yaşayacağız. Yukarıda bır tanrı yok olay tamamıyle bizim ile ilgilidir.

11:00 Allah Rasulü Risalet görevini yerine getirmeye başladıktan sonra kılığını kıyafetini değiştirmemiştir. İçinde bulunduğu toplumun örf ve adetine saygılı olarak yaşanmasıdır sünnet. Çünkü bunlar önemli değildir olayın aslı kişinin inanması ve inandığını yaşamasıdır.

15:00 Topluma karşılıksız verebildiğimiz kadar Allah’ın veren eli konumundayız.

17:00 Bundan yüzyıllar öncesinin anlayışıyla değerlendirilen Allah Rasulü’nün ifadeleri, günümüzde çok farklı anlamlar ifade etmektedir!
02:03 The foundation of religion is faith; as reason and logic are limited in their reach. The brain interprets what is perceived through five senses. However, there are an infinite number of things that our limited five senses cannot perceive.

03:36 Human Beings came into this world alone and he/she will leave the world alone. The individual will have to adopt the afterlife with is the tools and knowledge obtained in this world.

05:02 However, religion is the name of the system and order created by Allah known as SunnatAllah in the Quran. You may, however, name this system as you wish; name it law of nature, law of god, or something else, but there is a perfect mechanism in perfect working order.

07:42 There is no God out there who is going to put you somewhere or a God who is going to put you trust you in flames because he’s angry with you.

10:24 Muhammed (SAW) has never forced anyone to do anything, who are we to make others do something?

12:02 It is not a matter of appearance, style of beard, moustaches or head covering. These are not the topics of religion.

15:01 We will leave everything we have today behind when we leave tomorrow. How many people from the past are with you today? Everything is passing by… but what are we learning in the meanwhile?

16:40 What did Muhammed (SAW) say and why he said so? Let’s start reflecting on that because Muhammed (SAW)’s statement, evaluated through the mentality of hundreds of years ago means a lot different to us today.

18:19 Let’s try understanding him all over again, thus let’s celebrate his rebirth again. You will see that Muhammed (SAW) has a loving and forgiving expression. He conveyed his message only to make your life much more beautiful.

Category: Expo TV

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