13. Ra’d – Decoding The Quran – Ahmed Hulusi


“13. Ra’d – Decoding The Quran – Ahmed Hulusi”

“Audhu billahi minash shaytanirrajeem”

Bismi Llaahi l-raḥmaani l-raḥeem

By the one who is denoted by the name Allah (who created my being with His Names in accord with the meaning of the letter ‘B’), the Rahman, the Rahim.

1. Alif, Lam, Meem, Ra… These are the signs of the Book (revealed knowledge of the reality and sunnatullah), which is revealed to you from your Rabb as the Truth… But, the majority of the people do not believe.

2. (The One whose name is) Allah is HU, who has raised the heavens (the unperceivable dimensions beyond matter – consciousness [the seven stations of the self]) upon nothing that you can see (by forming different dimensions based on different perception systems)! Then He established Himself above the Throne (made the qualities of the Names sovereign over the dimension of acts)! And He delegated the Sun and the Moon to manifest His command; each continuing their function for a specified term… He forms and directs (all) things with His command, He brings them into existence with all their details, so that you may attain certainty (i.e. the awareness of the manifestations of your Rabb’s Names within your essence).

3. And it is Hu who spread the earth (made matter/the body with the capacity to form their constituents; this isn’t about the roundness of the earth, but rather the capacity pertaining to the earth and the body, or the dimension of matter in general) and placed therein firmly set mountains (the organs of the body) and rivers (the continuous flow of knowledge nourishing the consciousness; the nervous system)… And from each fruit (product) its twin (the individual’s formless parallel beyond matter)… He transforms the night into the day (transforms the darkness of ignorance into enlightenment; the observation of the reality, with His knowledge)… In truth, there are many signs in these for people who contemplate.

4. And on the earth (or the body) there are neighboring continents (or organs), and gardens of grapevines and crops, and groves of palms, single and clustered… All are watered and nourished (continue their existence) with one water (through the manifestation of ONE SINGLE KNOWLEDGE throughout creation)… Yet We favor some of their fruit over others (based on what they provide). Indeed, there are signs in this for a people who use their reason.

5. And if you are astonished (at our signs because you are unable to comprehend them) what is astonishing is their saying, “Will we be brought into a new creation and continue to live after we have become dust?”… They are the ones who deny the knowledge that their Rabb comprises their essence (unable to comprehend their immortality due to being composed of the immortal Names of Allah)! And they are the ones with shackles/fetters around their necks (captives to the idea that they are merely the physical body produced by the second brain in their guts)! They are the people of Fire (burning/suffering)… They will abide therein eternally!

6. They look for trouble rather than expecting good things from You… (Whereas) many people (nations), who ought to have received a lesson, were punished before them. And, indeed, your Rabb is forgiving toward people despite their wrongdoing… Indeed, your Rabb is severe in recompense (in enforcing the due consequence of an offense).

7. Those who deny the knowledge of the reality say, “A miracle should have been revealed to him from his Rabb!”… But you are only a warner… But for every people there is a Hadi (a guide to the reality).

8. Allah knows what every female bears and what the wombs lose or exceed. In His sight everything is capacitated according to its purpose of creation.

9. He is Aleem over the unperceived and the perceived. He is the Kabir (possessor of infinite meanings), the Muta’ali (His might encompasses all things).

10. Whether one conceals his thoughts or reveals it, that which is in the darkness of the night or the brightness of the day, is all the same (for Him)!

11. He has (over all His manifestations) a system of continual/uninterrupted observation (forces – angels) who protect them, from front and back, by the decree of Allah… Indeed, Allah will not change the lifestyle of a people until they change themselves (their understanding and value judgments)! And if Allah wills a disaster for a people, there is no repelling it! Besides Allah, there is no helping friend for them.

12. It is HU who shows you lightning (a sudden epiphany in your brain) as fear and hope for you, and who generates heavy clouds (with knowledge and gnosis)… (This verse and the following verses depict the various states of humans via metaphors and symbols; however, many take these verses literally and assume they are referencing actual heavenly incidents.)

Category: DTQ - Arabic

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