3. Ali-Imran (1-63) – Decoding The Quran – Ahmed Hulusi


“3. Ali-Imran (1-63) – Decoding The Quran – Ahmed Hulusi”

“Audhu billahi minash shaytanirrajeem”

Bismi Llaahi l-raḥmaani l-raḥeem

By the one who is denoted by the name Allah (who created my being with His Names in accord with the meaning of the letter ‘B’), the Rahman, the Rahim.

1. Alif Lam Meem

2. He is Allah; there is no god or godhood, only ‘HU’ (the Name HU denotes the Absolute Essence, which can never be conditioned or limited by the corporeal worlds and/or any concepts. It is usually followed by another Name to signify the quality that becomes manifest through HU, in regards to the relevant topic), Hayy (life itself) and Qayyum (everything finds life and subsists with HU).

3. He, as the very reality itself, revealed what is in your hands (disclosed in your consciousness), the Book (knowledge of the reality and sunnatullah) confirming the Truth from the past. He had also revealed the Torah (knowledge disclosed to Moses) and the Gospel (knowledge disclosed to Jesus).

4. As HUDA for people (to guide them to the reality, to show them the right path). He also revealed the Furqan (the ability to distinguish right from wrong, the good from the bad). Certainly, those who cover and deny the signs of Allah (the manifestations of His Names) will have severe suffering. Allah is the Aziz, the Zuntaqim (enforces the consequences of actions without any sympathy).

5. Allah! Nothing in the heavens (the dimension of consciousness – angelic realm – the quantal dimension; the essence of matter) and the earth (dimension of matter – the body – the earth) is hidden from Him (because He comprises the essence of everything with His Names. Concepts such as hidden or apparent apply only to ‘things’ or thingness)!

6. It is HU who shapes (forms, programs) you in the womb (mother’s womb – in Arabic rahim; the productive mechanism within your essence: rahimiyyah) as He wishes. There is no god, only HU, the Aziz, the Hakim.

7. It is HU who has revealed to you the KNOWLEDGE (Book). Some of its signs are clear (open and net commands) and comprise the basis – foundation of the knowledge (Book) – and some of it is allegorical (metaphoric and symbolic expressions). Those with deviation (ulterior motives, distorted thoughts) in their hearts, judge with the allegorical verses, interpreting them for the purpose of causing provocation. Only Allah knows their (true and precise) interpretation. Those who are grounded in knowledge (deep contemplators) say, “We believe, all of it is from our Rabb.” And none can discern this except those who have reached the essence (the intimates of reality through whom Allah hears, sees and speaks; ulul albab).

8. “Our Rabb, after giving us guidance (enabling us to recognize and discern the reality) do not turn our consciousness (back to the illusory identity – ego based existence), and bestow your grace upon us from your Self (ladun; the potential of the Names comprising my essence). Most certainly you are the Wahhab.”

9. “Our Rabb, you will surely gather mankind in a period of whose coming there is no doubt. And never will Allah fail to fulfill His promise.”

10. Certainly for the deniers neither their wealth nor their children will benefit them against what becomes manifest from Allah. They are fuel for fire.

Category: DTQ - Arabic

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