The Ecstasy of Art

“The artist takes in the world, but instead of being oppressed by it, he reworks it in his own personality and recreates it in the work of art.”
-Ernest Becker

Learn More:
The Denial of Death: Ernest Becker

Get Out of Your Own Way
“I wish I could show you, when you are lonely or in darkness, the astonishing light of your own being.” ~Hafiz of Shiraz

TED Flow State

Mihaly Czikszentmihalyi asks, “What makes a life worth living?” Noting that money cannot make us happy, he looks to those who find pleasure and lasting satisfaction in activities that bring about a state of “flow.”

Watch More:
Find Your Creative Flow State

Cinema is Cartography For the Mind

Reality of the Virtual

Join Jason Silva every week as he freestyles his way into the complex systems of society, technology and human existence and discusses the truth and beauty of science in a form of existential jazz. New episodes every Tuesday.

Category: Shots Of Awe

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