30. Veda – Farewell – Ahmed Hulusi
“30. Veda – Farewell – Ahmed Hulusi”
01:00 Ahmed Hulusi bu paylaşımı hangi amaçla yapmaktadır.
04:00 İnsanlara verilebilecek en büyük hediye nedir ve nedendir.
07:00 İnsanların yaşam tarz ve tercihleri bizi hiç ilgilendirmediği gibi benim yaşam tarz ve tercihim de kimseyi ilgilendirmez. Neden ?
08:30 Özünüzden geldiği gibi şekillendirebileceğiniz, çok geniş kapsamlı “Bir secde duası” örneği…
12:00 Bizi dinleyenlerin anlayış farklılıklarını ortaya koyan iki örnek olay..
14:00 Şimdiye kadar bu anlatım neden size ulaşmadı; Ahmed Hulusi anlayışı neden yasaklanmaktadır? Bu görüşlere neden sansür uygulanmaktadır.
20:00 Hz Muhammed farkı nedir?
20:00 “İncil” denen bugün ellerdeki kitap bir “hadis kitabı” muadilidir “Kuran muadili” değil; çünkü İsanın havarilerinin akıllarında kalanlardan ibarettir; birebir ayet değildir!!
22:30 Bindörtyüzlü yıllardan başlayan bu devir, “son yenileyicinin devri” ise; bilelim ki artık mezhep ve tarikatların son bulup, “tek yenileyicinin” ilminin dünyaya yayılıp; benim dahi bugün istifade etmekte olduğum; “O Zatın İlmi” doğrultusunda Rasulullah güneşinin evlerimizi aydınlatacağı devirdir, bu devir!!
26:00 “Dinde reform” olmaz ! ama “Din anlayışımızda reform yapmak” mümkündür ve nasıl yapılmalıdır.
31:00 “İman taklit kabul etmez!” Tanrı anlayışıyla gerçekte ne İslam Dini kabul edilmiştir ne de İman oluşmuştur!
32:00 Müslüman toplumların ihtiyacı olan şey “İLİM”dir..
33:00 Ahmed Hulusi”nin bakış açısını öğrenmek için tüm kitaplarını okumak zorunludur. Neden?
03:15 The black background of the front cover of my books represents darkness and ignorance, while the white color of the letters represents light and knowledge.
05:09 As such, the biggest gift one can give to humanity is knowledge that will aid in successfully acquiring a blissful afterlife. He who knows himself and Allah will be at peace with the whole of humanity, regardless of race, color, religion, language differences… he will embrace all of them with love and compassion, he will not deceive them.
06:30 Good days and bad days on earth will eventually come to pass, but an eternal life after the transformative event known as death…?
08:32 Take ablution and perform two rakahs of salat in solitude, then make a prayer in prostration… Say: “O Allah! The Rabb of the Arsh, the Spirit, and all of the angels! I pray to you with the consciousness that I am nothing in your presence; I am inexistent!… I try my best to explain the magnificent truth to you as plainly and clearly as I possibly can but it seems the messages that are taken are very different. Here are two examples of which I have become aware…
16:29 My friends… Take this knowledge, use it and then leave me! You have no business with me, your business is with the most magnificent form of consciousness that has ever transpired on earth, Muhammad Mustapha (saw)!
18:27 Listen only to the Rasul of Allah (saw) and define the direction of your life based on his teachings alone.
21:21 According to the Rasul of Allah (saw) one may pray wherever and whenever they like without having to put anyone in between themself and Allah! One is not bound by any fatwa, mufti, haji, hodja or sheikh!
23:10 But if, on the other hand, this isn’t the era of the final Reviver but just the Reviver of this millennium… That is, is this period isn’t the one preceding the Doomsday of humanity… If all of the signs of the Doomsday are false, and the Dajjal (Antichrist) and Jesus are not to appear within the following years…
26:20 My dear friends… After sharing the knowledge Allah has bestowed me for over 40 years since my first book in 1965, I now see that many of the concepts I introduced are now being embraced by many groups, from the fundamentalists to the new-agers and intellectualists, even if I am not referenced. I would like to share a final message with all the sincere and genuine researchers of religion…
28:02 A reform in understanding religion has already started to take place in our century. I am not referring to the localized efforts implemented by various communities. Such approaches are meaningless, religious groups or councils trying to reform religion by congregational attempts can never bring a true reform…
31:33 Let us be certain that faith does not tolerate imitation!
35:53 I pray that, for the sake of His beloved one, Muhammad Mustapha (saw), Allah blesses this humble servant and anyone who has listened, shared and contributed to the distribution of this knowledge, with the light of faith and ability, certainty (yakeen) of faith, and protection from all extremes!