75. Al-Qiyama – Decoding The Quran – Ahmed Hulusi


“75. Al-Qiyama – Decoding The Quran – Ahmed Hulusi”

Audhu billahi minash shaytanirrajeem”

Bismi Llaahi l-raḥmaani l-raḥeem

By the one who is denoted by the name Allah (who created my being with His Names in accord with the meaning of the letter ‘B’), the Rahman, the Rahim.

1. By the reality of the Doomsday;

2. And the self-accusing self (nafs-i lawwama);

3. Does man think We will not assemble his bones?

4. Indeed! We even have the power to proportion his fingertips (produce a precise reformation of his fingerprints)!

5. But no! Man goes to excess despite what awaits him (life after death)!

6. They ask, “When is the time of Doomsday (the experience of death)?

7. When your vision is dazzled,

8. And the Moon is eclipsed,

9. And when the Sun and the Moon come together!

10. At that time, man will say, “Where can we escape?”

11. No, there is no place of refuge (outside)!

12. At that time, the permanent settlement (of every individual) is with his Rabb!

13. At that time, man will be told of all the things he put forward (accomplished) and left behind (postponed, failed to do).

14. (The truth is) man is the evaluator of his own self! (Remember 17:14 “Read your book [knowledge] of life! Sufficient for you is your individual consciousness at this stage to discern the consequences of your actions.”)

15. Whatever excuse he presents (it will make no difference)!

16. Do not repeat it with your tongue to hasten (its memorization).

17. Indeed, upon Us is its compilation and its recitation.

18. So when We recite it, follow its recitation!

19. Then upon Us is its clarification (disclosure).

20. But no! You love the immediate (the world)…

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